Name First Last What online/social media outlets are you already engaging with? LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Twitter Flickr Other None of the above If "other", please specify: What new online/social media outlets are you open to engaging with? LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Twitter Flickr Other If "other", please specify: What has been your experience with social media in general? Are you comfortable using social media?Do you already communicate messages to your networks in support of BCFM's mission and initiatives? Yes No Sometimes If yes, how have you participated in communicating BDFM’s mission, content or initiatives to your networks?If no, tell us more about why not. What barriers are preventing you from engaging in, and sharing, BFCM-based communication with your networks?What’s been helpful in your BCFM-based communication?What challenges or barriers have you experienced in your BCFM-based communication?What type of communications are more engaging or easier to share and why?How can BCFM partner with you in taking an active role as an ambassador in communicating BCFM's messages and initiatives to your networks?